A dual construction tough canvas outer body with inner vinyl abrasion layer. RESISTANT against cuts, tears, and abrasions. Suitable for different types of loads with sharp and angled edges.
Two pre-assembled main securing straps made of extremely durable materials that can withstand up to 1000 pounds of force from items that hang past your truck bed.
A CAM-LOCK cinching strap great for anchoring and securing your LOADD in place. The cinch strap helps with preventing drag when tightened around the LOADD that hangs past the end of your tailgate.
A storage bag for EASY STORAGE under your backseat, in the back of your truck, in your toolbox, or anywhere you think it will fit. Or, just sling it over your shoulder to HELP A FRIEND.
A SAFETY FLAGG to alert other drivers of the Loadd hanging past your tailgate. The safety flagg meets state requirements where applicable.